How to Make English Proficiency Certificate For China Scholarship 2025-2026 Applying Procedure Step By Step Complete Guidance || Step 4 || 2025-2026 CSC Scholarship CSC Guide Officials

How to Make English Proficiency Certificate For China Scholarship CSC
If you want to apply for China Scholarship You must have English Proficiency Certificate. Now if you think that what is English proficiency certificate is and How we get this Certificate? so don’t worry I will tell you.
You Should Make This certificate from your previous institute from where you graduated. For Example, if you have done your BS From Punjab University and want to apply for MS in China then you make your English Proficiency Certificate from Punjab University, and If You have done Your Master Degree (MS) From the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) and Want to apply for Ph.D. in China Then You make your English Proficiency Certificate From UET. Means From Where You get your latest Degree, Can Only issue English Proficiency Certificate.
Now Some Questions about English Proficiency Certificate Come to Your mind when you apply for China Scholarship.
The first question is: For China Scholarship IELTS is Mandatory or not?
Answer: No, For China Scholarship IELTS is not mandatory. Just English Proficiency Certificate is enough while applying for a china Scholarship.
Second Question: What is the actual meaning of an English Proficiency Certificate:
Answer: The meaning of the English Proficiency Certificate is, Your Previous degree courses will be delivered in English. Every University Bachelor’s Study is in English. So, Don’t worry about English Proficiency Certificate.
Third Questions: Some Students applied last year and can’t get admission, they say we need to make English Proficiency Certificate again for applying next year?
Answer: It’s not mandatory to make it new, But I will suggest you make it again. The reason is that when you apply for China Scholarship make your profile fresh. On Your Last Year English Proficiency Certificate University mentioned issuing date, So make it new for applying next year. It’s my opinion.
So if you need the sample of English Proficiency Certificate, it’s given below. Using this English proficiency certificate last year students get fully funded scholarships from different Chinese universities.

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