China University of Geo sciences (Wuhan) Nomination List for CSC Scholarship 2020 || CSC Guide Official
In this list : CUG 2020 Nomination List of Chinese Government
Scholarship and Silk Road Program and Chinese University Program Results
Dear Chinese Government Scholarship Applicants,
we are glad to nominate the following applicants out of 1200 applications as the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and
Chinese University Program).
Note: This list is submitted as a nomination list
from China University of Geosciences Wuhan to China Scholarship Council, and it is NOT the final list. The official announcement is subject to the final results released by the China
Scholarship Council (CSC) , P.R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC,
and the list of final winners will be published in the middle July or
early August, 2020.

China University of Geo sciences (Wuhan) Nomination List and CSC approved list 2017 Click Here