East China Normal University ECNU CSC Scholarship Result 2021-2022 || ECNU CSC Result 2021 CSC Guide Official
After rounds of evaluation and through group review by school international students scholarship admission commission, hereby publicize the 2021 ECNU recommended candidates list of Chinese Government Scholarship Result (CSC Scholarship Result 2021-2022). 71 applicants are selected as the recommended candidates and 17 are on the waiting list. The final list will be announced later after the approval of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC).
For any questions, please contact Global Education Center by July 7,
Tel: 86-21-6223 2013 / 6223 8353
Email: [email protected]
Following is the CSC Scholarship Result 2021-2022

ENCU CSC Scholarship Result 2021-2022 ( Waiting List)

East China Normal University Shanghai Government Scholarship Result 2020