Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship 2022-2023 || China Scholarship Council CSCGuide Officials

Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship  2022-2023 |CSCGuide Officials

In Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship has been announced. So Prepare yourself for the Chinese Government Scholarship in FUFT. Chinese Government Scholarship also Called CSC Scholarship. CSC Means China Scholarship Council. Scholarship Council (CSC) is the Great Opportunity for every student. So I recommend the Students apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship. Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship / CSC 2022-2023  has been started. Prepare Your documents. This university is under CSC and top rank university.


Detailed information about this Scholarship   

Name of the University:  Hefei University of Technology

Degree Apply For: Ph.D. and Master Students

Partial Or Fully funded: Fully Funded Scholarship

Monthly Stipend/Scholarship:  3500 RMB for Ph.D. 3000 RMB For Master

Applying Way: Online_Apply

Duration of this Scholarship: April 15th , 2022 Every Year



Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship Eligibility Criteria For Students

  1. Chinese Government Scholarship 2022-2023 is for All international Students
  2.  For Masters Age Limit is 35 and For PhD 40 Years Age Limit
  3. English Proficiency Certificate is Acceptable

How to Apply For Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship 2022-2023

  1. You Need to Fill China Scholarship Council / Chinese Government Scholarship Online CSC Application Form
  2. Upload all required Documents on China Scholarship Council / Chinese Government Scholarship Online application Form
  3. No Application Fee, For Chinese Government Scholarship and result will announced at end of July
  4. Just Online apply & No Need to Send Hard Copies
  5. Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship 2022-2023



Hefei University of Technology Chinese Government Scholarship Required Documents List

  1. China Scholarship Council / Chinese Government Scholarship Online application form (Agency number For B-Category is 10359)
  2. Highest Degree/Diploma Certificate (Notarized copy) not Original
  3. Transcripts The Highest Education (Notarized copy) not original
  4. Study plan or Research Proposal
  5. Two Recommendation Letters
  6. Passport Home Page
  7. Physical Examination Form for Foreigners
  8. Non-Criminal Record/ Police Clearance Certificate
  9. English Proficiency Certificate (IELTS is not Mandatory)


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