How to Make Physical Examination Form For China Scholarship || STEP 5 || China Scholarship 2021

How to Make Physical Examination Form For China Scholarship || STEP 5 || China Scholarship 2021


If you want to apply for China Scholarship You must have a Physical Examination Form. If you do not know how to make a Physical Examination Form then I tell you it’s basically a medical form. When someone travels to another country then he/she must have a medical form. Now You think, how we make and From where we get this format of physical examination form. So don’ worry I will tell you. First You go to your district or any Government Hospital and ask them they want to do my medical. So bring the empty Printed Physical Examination Form with you and ask them to put my all results in this format. Keep in mind once you make a physical examination form this is valid only for this month. In other words, it’s valid for 180 Days.

Now Common questions which come to mind about the Physical Examination Form

First Question: Can We Use Previous Physical Examination form (Last Year Physical Examination form) for Next Year

Answer: No, You can’t use your last year’s Physical Examination form for Up0comming China Scholarship. Because it becomes expires after 180 days. 

Second Question: If We want to apply to Multiple Chinese Universities for scholarships Then we make a new Physical Examination form for Every university?

Answer: No, You just make it once. Every University Which Demands Physical Examination form you just send a photocopy of your original Physical Examination form. Don’t Need to send the Original Physical Examination form to any university. But When you Fill Online Application Form for the Chinese Government Scholarship then you must upload the Original Scanned Physical Examination form.

Third Question: On Physical Examination Form Doctor Stamp is necessary?

Answer: Yes, Doctor Stamp is necessary on the Physical Examination Form. I suggest you must make your physical examination form from any government hospital and stamp must be an MBBS doctor.

Fourth Question: Physical Examination form have just one sample or multiple samples?

Answer: Yes, it only forms a sample for all Chinese universities, Physical Examination form just has one sample. Once you make a physical examination form you can use this form for every University in China for Scholarships.

Following is the Filled Physical Examination Form Sample

physical examination form 2021
Physical Examination Form Sample Page 1
physical examination form for china scholarship
Physical Examination Form Sample Page 2


Here is the Blank Physical Examination Form Sample

Physical Examination Form sample
Physical Examination Form Page 1
Physical Examination Form Page 2
Physical Examination Form Page 2


Blank Physical Examination Form Click here to Download (This form is for every Chinese university)

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