How to Make Professional CV For Acceptance Letter || Step 2 || CSC Guide Officials

How to Make Professional CV For Acceptance Letter || Step 2 || For China Scholarship 2022-2023 CSC Guide Officials


Step 2 for China Scholarship is to prepare your CV and send it to a Chinese Professor for an acceptance letter.

For the year 2021-2021, how do you make your CV? So don’t worry, use the following CV format for Acceptance Letter. Here is the Complete CV Format For Acceptance Letter. Using this CV format, last year, many students get acceptance letters from different universities professors and got scholarships as well. So if you don’t have an idea, you can use this format for an acceptance letter.


Your Name:

Your department name with the university:

Cell no:

Email Address:

WeChat ID (If you have):




To become a good researcher in my field (1+years’ experience)
A self-motivated, passionate, honest, and responsible individual, possessing excellent leadership and challenge me in research activities to become a good researcher.




Bs Economics (3.67/4 CGPA)  Aug 2014-sep 2020

GCUF Pakistan (

Specialized in software developing, designing, and simulation of various .net projects, c#, Hardware of computers, web development,  and image processing. Actively participated in team projects to create real-world applications. Served as Teaching Assistant for introductory logic design, responsible for assignment grading, class review sessions, and one-on-one student meetings.

Research Direction


Use Research Direction according to your major. If you don’t have any research direction, then use the research direction of those professors To whom you are sending emails. For Example


  • Information theory and coding theory
  • Mobile intelligent system security
  • Heterogeneous Data Correlation Analysis, Heterogeneous Data Relevancy Analysis.
  • Historical Data based Prediction Model based on historical data
  • Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithm




Research and Projects

Give Some Details About Your Research and Projects which you have already done in your previous degree. For Example

Email sending System

During my bachelor’s degree, I have done research work on the study of the(SHM) Integration of sensors, Possibly smart materials, Data transmission, computational

power, and processing ability inside the structures. And also send the email to the client. I work on that. When all work is completed then this sends the mail to the client.

Date Base

During my bachelor’s degree I worked on Nondestructive and destructive testing, Durability, Reliability, Sulphate attack, and Constructions defects also study work done at Variational principle and structural analysis. A huge collection of data store in the database after creating the destructive testing.


Environment Health & Safety Management System (Web-based)

I also study the Environmental Health and Safety, Responsibility, Training, Accountability, Environmental health, and safety policy, EHS Management System. I create a web-based point for environment health safety management system.



Academic Projects

Give Some detail about your academic projects which you have done in your previous education. Like lab works etc… For Example


  • Web-Based Furniture Sale point.(Final Year Project)
  • Email sending system.
  • ITS information system.



Honors & Achievement

If you get some awards, give detail of these awards here. Like Internship Certificate, CM Laptop, sports achievements, etc. For Example

Registered with Higher education commission (HEC), Pakistan
Web Designing Certificate: Awarded by Punjab Board of Technical Education, Lahore, Government of Pakistan.
Merit Scholarship Holder from Govt. of Pakistan.



Training’s & Skills

If you have any skill like You Can Microsoft Office, any Computer Skills, Auto-cad or any other skill you can use here. For Example

• 1 Month freelancing course from Remote sol.
• 5 days training on Engineering Management.
• TOPCON Total Station Models, GPT-300LN Series, GTS-230N with data downloading and processing software



Extra-Curricular activities

Type Your Extra-Curricular activities if you have. Like sports, reading books or any other if you have. For Example

• Best Performance award from GCUF Dramatics Society in the year 2014.
• Reading Books. Participated and was awarded CM Punjab Pakistan 1st Prize in Essay writing (2012), College Level.



Personal Data

Put Your Personal Data here. Give Following Detail in Personal Data

Date of Birth:



References are optional, but if you want to give reference detail, then must use the reference detail of those professors who give you a recommendation letter. For more Clearance Must the video. Link of the video update soon. Click Here to Watch the Video

Use Professor Reference Detail Like this.

(1) Dr. XYZ
Assistant Professor
Department of ABC
The University of XYZ.
Email: [email protected]

(2)Dr. XYZ Assistant Professor
Department of ABC
The University of XYZ.
Email: [email protected]



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