Yanbian university csc scholarship 2021 2022 | YBU chinese government scholarship csc guide official

Yanbian University Chinese Government Scholarship 2020-2021 | cscguideofficial

Yanbian  University  apply for csc scholarship

If You Want to apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship 2021 then hurry up. Admissions are open in China In Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship 2021 admissions for 2021 September intake are started. In the Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship 2021, 2021 CSC Scholarship started. If You Want to apply for the Yanbian  University Chinese Government Scholarship 2021 then apply as soon as possible.

Here is the Procedure for applying for the Chinese Government Scholarship CSC Scholarship 2021 Click Here.
Following is the Yanbian  University admission 2021 CSC Scholarship Process.

Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship 2022-2023 admissions will start in November 2021. So Wait For Starting Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship 2022-2023 For applying Next Year. Don’t worry Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship for the years 2021-2022 has been started.

Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship Details

Authority : Chinese Government Scholarship 2021
University Name : Yanbian University
Student Category : Masters and PHD Students
Scholarship Type :Fully Funded (Everything is Free)
Monthly Allowance : 3000 RMB for Masters and 3500 RMB For Phd
Apply Method : Online apply  and send documents to the university
Application Deadline Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship : 30 March 2021

Eligibility Criteria For Students Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship

1.All International Students can apply to Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship
2. Age limits For Masters 35 and For PHD 40 Years
3.  You can apply with English Proficiency Certificate (ielts is not mandatory)


How to Apply For This Scholarship Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship

  1. First You Fill CSC Online application Form
  2. Upload all required documents on CSC portal
  3.  No Application Fee
  4. Result will be announced at the before 30th june
  5. Mail all the documents by EMS、DHL、SF
  6. Send Documents to the university address

InternationalStudents Office
Department of International Exchange and Cooperation
Yanbian University
No. 977, Gongyuan Rd., Yanji, Jilin, 133002, China
Tel: 0086-433-2732350

Email: [email protected]


Click Here to Apply on CSC Portal

How you fill csc online application Form update method 2021-2022

Video In Urdu Click Here to Watch

Video In English Click Here to Watch


Required Documents List of Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship


All Documents Send in duplicate (2 sets of hard copes)

  1. You should register at the CSC Online Application System for International Students and submit application information.   (Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship Agency no for B category 10184)
  2. Two Recommendation Letters By Professors and Associate Professors
  3.  Transcripts of Highest Education (Notarized copy)
  4. Highest Degree Certificate (Notarized copy)
  5. Physical Examination Form Photocopy
  6. Study Or Research Plan (no less then 800 Words)
  7. Passport Copy
  8. A CD of your own works (required for arts students only)
  9. 8 photos Required ( 3.5cm * 5.3cm) white background
  10. For Chinese Taught HSk is must. Hsk Band 4 with scores above 180 .
  11. English Proficiency Certificate (Ielts is not Mandatory)
  12. Non Criminal Record


Click here for official advertisement Yanbian  University CSC Scholarship

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